Site Guide

Well this blog is getting more and more confusing so I thought it'd be useful to have a site guide so that you know your way around the blog.

So what do all the labels mean?

Politicking & Panicking
These are essential my articles on various news site or simply on this blog where I discuss politics and its oft frustrating twists and turns. Lots of argumentative essays here, but sometimes also just very simple pondering too.

These are my glorious food posts! Makan means to eat in Malay, so all the posts here are about restaurants, food stalls, or just my thoughts about food. Have I mentioned I really love food yet?

Life in the Longkang
Longkang means drain in Malay, and basically they are what I term the humble rivulets of Malaysia. So essentially these posts are about being reflective, being down to earth, or just about the simple facets of daily life. Not that I'm saying my life is going down the drain, haha!

External Exposes
Occasionally I will find an article that I really like that isn't prominent in the mainstream press. Often this will be an insight from a friend, or from  a relatively unknown blogger/ news outlet, really it's all in the spirit of sharing and caring!

Tales to Tell
This is where I share some of my creative writing pieces. Whether it's a short story on the Malaysian train service, or a poem about dragons and monsters, you'll find it here.

Societal Scriptures
More of the published article stuff but more on social commentary.

Party in the USA
My account of experiences studying abroad in the USA. A journey of discovery, both internally and externally. Read if you're interested in a genuine, no holds barred account of the US education system.

Events & Announcements
Self explanatory.

Scoring System
This is where I explain how my scoring system works, in my unique system of scoring by number of durians!

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